Glass Pool Fencing Spontaneous Breakage.

Jordan Harman 0 Comments

Nickel sulphide inclusion breakage in pool fencing is relatively rare but not unheard of. The occurrence of such breakages depends on various factors including the quality of manufacturing processes, the size and distribution of inclusions, and environmental conditions. Manufacturers employ stringent quality control measures to minimize the risk of nickel sulphide inclusions in toughened...
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Why use Perforated Pool Fencing?

Jacel Evasco 0 Comments

When it comes to designing a stylish and secure pool area, the choice of fencing plays a pivotal role. While glass pool fencing has long been associated with sophistication, a new contender is making waves—premium perforated pool fencing from Glass House AU.  In this blog, we'll delve into the unique characteristics of premium perforated...
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How to keep your glass pool fencing clean.

Natalie East 0 Comments

A sparkling, crystal-clear pool is a sight to behold, but what about the glass pool fence that surrounds it? Over time, it's not uncommon for these transparent barriers to lose their luster due to dirt, fingerprints, and the elements. Fear not! In this guide, we'll explore the art of cleaning a glass pool fence...
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Which Side of the Garden Fence Do I Own?

Jordan Harman 0 Comments

In Australia, determining fence ownership follows the 'left-hand' rule, suggesting you own the fence on your left when facing the backyard. However, this isn't legally binding and may vary. Dividing fences, which separate two properties, are generally a shared responsibility. Before upgrading, homeowners should clarify ownership and consult with neighbours.
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Aluminium Batten Fencing and Screening.

Chris McLean 0 Comments

Aluminium batten fencing is an excellent alternative to traditional timber fencing. It offers durability, low maintenance, and a wide range of colours and finishes to suit any design. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of aluminium batten fencing and why it's a popular choice for DIY home renovators and builders. One of the...
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Why is Aluminium Slat Fencing Popular?

Govind Joshi 0 Comments

Aluminium slat screening has become a popular choice for fencing and screening due to several reasons. Firstly, aluminium slat fencing is highly durable and can withstand harsh weather conditions, unlike wood which can rot and deteriorate over time . Additionally, aluminium slat fencing requires minimal maintenance and upkeep, as it does not require painting or...
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What are the benefits of composite decking

Govind Joshi 0 Comments

Composite decking is a popular alternative to traditional wood decking, and it has several benefits. Here are some of the benefits of composite decking based on the provided web search results: Firstly, composite decking is made from a combination of recycled plastic waste and wood fiber waste, reducing the amount of harvested timber from...
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Why Choose Glass Pool Fencing

Chris McLean 0 Comments

There are several compelling reasons why you should consider using glass pool fencing to enclose your swimming pool. Firstly, glass pool fencing provides an unobstructed view of the pool area, ensuring that you can keep an eye on what is happening both inside and outside the pool from any angle. This is crucial for...
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